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What is it?

Transportation planning involves the development and implementation of transportation plans, policies, and projects for our communities. We work to ensure that people can move safely and efficiently throughout their community using various modes of transportation such as public transit, cars, bikes, and walking. We can help repair roads and bridges, install sidewalks, trails, or even parks.


We work directly with the municipality we are helping and correspond with appropriate governmental agencies to help improve the community.  We conduct studies, gather data, and analyze transportation systems to identify problems and opportunities for improvement, along with finding and applying for grants on behalf of the community we are helping.

Truman's Transportation Advisory Committee works directly with residents and communities to compile a list of regional transportation needs to be reviewed by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), then submitted to the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP, prepared annually, sets forth the specific construction projects MoDOT will undertake in the next five years.  It covers highways, bridges, aviation, rail, waterways, bicycle, and pedestrian transportation needs, along with operations and maintenance projects. Click here to learn more.

Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)

Road Construction


With transportation planning, the Truman Council can apply for and administrate various grants to help your community, such as Rural Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grants, Safe Streets For All Grants, and Active Transportation Grants. We use these to help with zoning, road and bridge repairs, and installation of  parks, trails, sidewalks, crosswalks, and traffic reduction improvements. Please feel free to contact us with any ideas your have for your community.

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